Version 1.1 of the definition has been released. Please help updating it, contribute translations, and help us with the design of logos and buttons to identify free cultural works and licenses!

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=== Kebebasan mendasar ===
=== Kebebasan mendasar ===
=== Essential freedoms ===
Very true! Makes a change to see soomene spell it out like that. :)

In order to be recognized as "free" under this definition, a license must grant the following freedoms without limitation:
* '''The freedom to use and perform the work:''' The licensee must be allowed to make any use, private or public, of the work. For kinds of works where it is relevant, this freedom should include all derived uses ("related rights") such as performing or interpreting the work. There must be no exception regarding, for example, political or religious considerations.
* '''The freedom to study the work and apply the information:''' The licensee must be allowed to examine the work and to use the knowledge gained from the work in any way. The license may not, for example, restrict "reverse engineering".
* '''The freedom to redistribute copies:''' Copies may be sold, swapped or given away for free, as part of a larger work, a collection, or independently. There must be no limit on the amount of information that can be copied. There must also not be any limit on who can copy the information or on where the information can be copied.
* '''The freedom to distribute derivative works:''' In order to give everyone the ability to improve upon a work, the license must not limit the freedom to distribute a modified version (or, for physical works, a work somehow derived from the original),  regardless of the intent and purpose of such modifications. However, some restrictions may be applied to protect these essential freedoms or the attribution of authors (see below).
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=== Restriksi yang diizinkan ===
=== Restriksi yang diizinkan ===

Revision as of 13:01, 25 April 2011

Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia English - Original


Dokumen ini mendefinisikan "Karya Kebudayaan Bebas" sebagai karya-karya atau ekspresi-ekspresi yang dapat dipelajari, dipergunakan, disalin dan/atau dimodifikasi secara bebas oleh siapa saja, untuk tujuan apa saja. Dokumen ini juga mendeskripsikan restriksi tertentu yang dapat diizinkan yang tetap menghormati atau melindungi kebebasan ini secara mendasar. Definisi ini membedakan secara jelas antara karya bebas, dan lisensi bebas yang dapat digunakan untuk memproteksi secara legal status dari suatu karya bebas. Definisi ini sendiri bukanlah sebuah lisensi; melainkan sebuah alat untuk menentukan apakah suatu karya atau lisensi dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai "bebas".


This document defines "Free Cultural Works" as works or expressions which can be freely studied, applied, copied and/or modified, by anyone, for any purpose. It also describes certain permissible restrictions that respect or protect these essential freedoms. The definition distinguishes between free works, and free licenses which can be used to legally protect the status of a free work. The definition itself is not a license; it is a tool to determine whether a work or license should be considered "free."


Sosial dan kemajuan teknologi memungkinkan untuk tumbuh bagian dari umat manusia untuk mengakses, membuat, memodifikasi, menerbitkan dan mendistribusikan berbagai jenis karya-karya seni, ilmiah dan bahan-bahan pendidikan, perangkat lunak, artikel - singkatnya: apa saja yang dapat diwakili dalam bentuk digital. Banyak masyarakat telah terbentuk untuk latihan tersebut kemungkinan baru dan menciptakan kekayaan kolektif yang dapat digunakan kembali bekerja.

Kebanyakan penulis, apa pun bidang kegiatan mereka, apapun status amatir atau profesional, memiliki minat yang tulus di memihak sebuah ekosistem di mana karya dapat menyebar, kembali digunakan dan diperoleh dengan cara yang kreatif. Semakin mudah digunakan kembali dan memperoleh pekerjaan, kebudayaan kita menjadi lebih kaya.

Untuk memastikan fungsi yang anggun ekosistem ini, karya-karya pengarang harus bebas, dan kebebasan yang kita maksud:

   * Kebebasan untuk menggunakan pekerjaan dan menikmati manfaat dari menggunakannya
   * Kebebasan untuk mempelajari pekerjaan dan untuk menerapkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari itu
   * Kebebasan untuk membuat dan mendistribusikan salinannya, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, dari informasi atau ungkapan
   * Kebebasan untuk melakukan perubahan dan perbaikan, dan untuk mendistribusikan karya turunan

Kebebasan tersebut harus tersedia kepada siapa pun, di mana saja, kapan saja. Mereka tidak boleh dibatasi oleh konteks di mana pekerjaan digunakan. Kreativitas adalah tindakan menggunakan sumber daya yang ada dengan cara yang tidak pernah dibayangkan sebelumnya.

Namun di banyak negara, kebebasan tersebut tidak dilaksanakan, tetapi ditindas oleh Undang-Undang yang biasanya disebut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta. Mereka menganggap penulis sebagai dewa-seperti pencipta dan memberikan mereka monopoli eksklusif bagaimana "isinya" dapat digunakan kembali. Monopoli ini menghambat berkembangnya budaya, dan bahkan tidak membantu situasi ekonomi begitu banyak penulis seperti melindungi model bisnis yang paling kuat di perusahaan-perusahaan penerbitan.

Terlepas dari hukum tersebut, penulis dapat membuat karya-karya mereka bebas dengan memilih di antara array yang luas dokumen hukum yang dikenal sebagai lisensi gratis. Sebagai seorang penulis, memilih untuk meletakkan bekerja di bawah lisensi bebas tidak berarti bahwa ia kehilangan semua hak-haknya, tetapi memberikan kebebasan kepada siapa pun yang tercantum di atas.

Adalah penting bahwa setiap pekerjaan yang mengklaim bebas menyediakan, praktis dan tanpa resiko apapun, kebebasan tersebut. Ini sebabnya kami selanjutnya memberikan kebebasan definisi yang tepat untuk lisensi dan untuk karya pengarangan.

With the bases loaded you scturk us out with that answer!

Mengidentifikasikan Karya Kebudayaan Bebas

Identifying Free Cultural Works

This is the Definition of Free Cultural Works, and when describing your work, we encourage you to make reference to this definition, as in, "This is a freely licensed work, as explained in the Definition of Free Cultural Works." If you do not like the term "Free Cultural Work," you can use the generic term "Free Content," or refer instead to one of the existing movements that express similar freedoms in more specific contexts. We also encourage you to use the Free Cultural Works logos and buttons, which are in the public domain.

Please be advised that such identification does not actually confer the rights described in this definition; for your work to be truly free, it must use one of the Free Culture Licenses or be in the public domain.

We discourage you to use other terms to identify Free Cultural Works which do not convey a clear definition of freedom, such as "Open Content" and "Open Access." These terms are often used to refer to content which is available under "less restrictive" terms than those of existing copyright laws, or even for works that are just "available on the Web".

Mendefinisikan Lisensi Kebudayaan Bebas

Defining Free Culture Licenses

Licenses are legal instruments through which the owner of certain legal rights may transfer these rights to third parties. Free Culture Licenses do not take any rights away -- they are always optional to accept, and if accepted, they grant freedoms which copyright law alone does not provide. When accepted, they never limit or reduce existing exemptions in copyright laws.

Kebebasan mendasar

Very true! Makes a change to see soomene spell it out like that. :)

Restriksi yang diizinkan

Permissible restrictions

Not all restrictions on the use or distribution of works impede essential freedoms. In particular, requirements for attribution, for symmetric collaboration (i.e., "copyleft"), and for the protection of essential freedom are considered permissible restrictions.

Mendefinisikan Karya Kebudayaan Bebas

Defining Free Cultural Works

In order to be considered free, a work must be covered by a Free Culture License, or its legal status must provide the same essential freedoms enumerated above. It is not, however, a sufficient condition. Indeed, a specific work may be non-free in other ways that restrict the essential freedoms. These are the additional conditions in order for a work to be considered free:

  • Availability of source data: Where a final work has been obtained through the compilation or processing of a source file or multiple source files, all underlying source data should be available alongside the work itself under the same conditions. This can be the score of a musical composition, the models used in a 3D scene, the data of a scientific publication, the source code of a computer application, or any other such information.
  • Use of a free format: For digital files, the format in which the work is made available should not be protected by patents, unless a world-wide, unlimited and irrevocable royalty-free grant is given to make use of the patented technology. While non-free formats may sometimes be used for practical reasons, a free format copy must be available for the work to be considered free.
  • No technical restrictions: The work must be available in a form where no technical measures are used to limit the freedoms enumerated above.
  • No other restrictions or limitations: The work itself must not be covered by legal restrictions (patents, contracts, etc.) or limitations (such as privacy rights) which would impede the freedoms enumerated above. A work may make use of existing legal exemptions to copyright (in order to cite copyrighted works), though only the portions of it which are unambiguously free constitute a free work.

In other words, whenever the user of a work cannot legally or practically exercise his or her basic freedoms, the work cannot be considered and should not be called "free."

Bacaan lebih lanjut

Further reading

  • See Licenses for discussion of individual licenses, and whether they meet this definition or not.
  • See History for acknowledgments and background on this definition.
  • See the FAQ for some questions and answers.
  • See Portal:Index for topic-specific pages about free cultural works.

Versi-versi lebih lanjut


New versions of this definition shall be released as soon as a consensus (achieved directly or through a vote, as per the authoring process) has developed around suggested changes. Numbering shall be 0.x for initial draft releases, 1.x, 2.x .. for major releases, x.1, x.2 .. for minor releases. A minor release is made when the text is modified in ways which do not have an impact on the scope of existing or hypothetical licenses covered by this definition.