Version 1.1 of the definition has been released. Please help updating it, contribute translations, and help us with the design of logos and buttons to identify free cultural works and licenses!

Definition/Unstable: Difference between revisions

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{{divbox|blue|Unstable version|This is the openly editable version of the definition. Please try to find a consensus for any significant changes you make on the [[Talk:Definition/Unstable|discussion page]]. If you want to work on a substantially different derivative, you can try [[creating a fork]]. See [[authoring process]] for more information.}}
{{divbox|blue|Unstable version|This is the openly editable version of the definition. Please try to find a consensus for any significant changes you make on the [[Talk:Definition/Unstable|discussion page]]. If you want to work on a substantially different derivative, you can try [[creating a fork]]. See [[authoring process]] for more information.}}

== Summary ==
This document provides a definition of "Free Cultural Works" [the Definition], which are roughly works or expressions that can be freely studied, applied, copied and modified, by anyone and for any purpose.  The Definition distinguishes between ''free works'' and ''[[licenses|free licenses]]'' which can be used to legally protect the status of a free work.  The definition itself is ''not'' a license; it is a tool to determine whether a work or license should be considered "free."  This document also describes restrictions that respect or protect the freedoms of Free Cultural Works.

Nací en Lima-Perú, pase parte de mi vida viajando, estudie en Venezuela Estudios superiores (Ingeniería Civil) País que amo y considero como mi Segunda patria. Ahora mí más Grande inquietud es aprender a diseñar páginas Web. Aprender el idioma ingles, conocer Australia país interesante con el cual sueño desde niña...Me dedico al rubro de ventas en mi país. Y el resto de mi tiempo lo dedico a Internet entre otras cosas. Gracias a Todos por Vuestra presencia en esta sencilla página virtual considérenme una Amiga. ! No opaquemos la creación del Todopoderoso ni sus preceptos divinos, sabiendo que daremos cuenta de nuestros actos a ÉL! Soy una persona común, sin títulos diplomáticos o de nobleza… Si alguien preguntara como soy? … ! No podría describirme! ... ¡Porque “Ella” se parece con todos es grande y pequeña simple y a veces sabia… honesta con todos y a veces posee un poco De egoísmo en su Corazón … Es una persona que compra todo, de todo el mundo. ¡Si todos somos una gran familia Somos los herederos de la tierra! Estamos por todas partes… cuidamos los campos, descubrimos y excavamos las minas, estudiamos, trabajamos, amamos, odiamos, y mientras la abundancia se hace sentir percibimos que solo nosotros lo merecemos todo lo mejor de la vida. ¿Y nuestro vecino?
This document defines the terms "Free Content" and "Free Expression" as any work or expression which can be freely studied, applied, copied and/or modified, by anyone, for any purpose. It also describes certain permissible restrictions that respect or protect these essential freedoms. Additionally, the document provides a [[Licenses|list of licenses]] which meet the terms of freedom laid out in this definition.
Por ejemplo:
¡Existimos desde los inicios de los tiempos, construimos pirámides, conducimos hordas de Guerreros Romanos, navegamos en los barcos de Colón, reclutamos en Moscú con Napoleón, Nos quedamos al lado de George Washington...En la gran batalla de “ Valley Forge “Solo es una recopilación de hechos históricos” Que dibujan su ejemplo en el Eterno Cielo azul… ¡Llamándonos a Recapacitar! ¡De que si podemos! Si nos unimos y somos organizados justos Y honestos con nuestros principios. Practiquemos lo que predicamos intentémoslo! ¡No pagar, mal por mal! ! Caímos muchas veces…Pero también nos levantamos porque somos personas Obstinadas! Personas libres pueden vencer el mundo… en todos los aspectos. ¡Desde antes de aprender a caminar…Siempre fue nuestra lucha por la Libertad! ¿Y que hacemos con Ella? “Darle la espalda y Volver a ser cautivos…Por Sed de venganza o Sensacionalismo” ¡Si todos remáramos en la misma dirección otro seria el resultado! ¡Muchos están queriendo saber! ¿Que hacer con sus vidas?... ¡Piensan que son minoría… que no cuentan! ¡Pero están equivocados!... Las minorías siempre contaron, tenemos que Unirnos y remar en esta competencia en una definida y justa dirección.
Maria soledad corrales Garcia
¡No venceremos a menos que tengamos Unión!
Osiel Armando Vazquez
“Es así que cada uno tiene que tomar una decisión” De unirse al amigo del mejor equipo…Su compañero de equipo es su Vecino él es una persona muy importante… Usted precisara de él y él de Usted. Por eso vaya a buscarlo… salúdelo… sonríale dé una palabra de aliento Comprenda sus errores, demos tregua no adelantemos juicio…Aprendamos a escuchar… Aprendamos a callar y hablemos cuando sea el Momento indicado. ”No deseemos para otro, lo que no queremos para Nosotros” Por ello: ¡Si estuviera enfermo… ¡Cuídelo!...Si estuviera desempleado ¡Empléelo¡ ¡Si estuviera hambriento ¡Aliméntelo! Para la mayoría el vecino es una extraña persona, con un perro que ladra y una cerca que divide no solo el límite de las casas. Divide Pueblos, Naciones, Demuestre que sabe sembrar y recoger amistades. Producimos de todo en nuestros países, ¡que bueno! ... Gracias a Dios. Hoy en día en lo inmoral, ¡También producimos! Desesperanza, terror, llantos, lamentos, muertes, solo el eco de la Bestialidad humana, lo puede comprender… ¡Somos Excelentes Productores! Podemos producir lo que sea...amor y odio, confianza o desconfianza, paz u guerra. Si tan solo nos lo proponemos... Cambiaríamos esta sociedad por una mas integra, más fortalecida por verdaderos intercambios culturales, relaciones diplomáticas Estrechas, Poder levantar el teléfono. Teniendo un amigo con quien contar... Ya sea lejos o cerca. Dialoguemos como personas creadas a imagen de “Un Ser Supremo, Sabio… y apliquemos sus enseñanzas, preceptos a nuestras vidas. ¡Solo que usted no puede ser extraño para nadie, que juega en su equipo, por lo tanto derrumbe la cerca…Inmoral, odio, egoísmo, preconcepto y todo los complejos que nos alejan mas y mas de
“Mi vecino”
¡Derrumben todas las cercas, que nos dividen! (Metafóricamente hablando) Solo así... ¡Y tendremos un equipo de verdad! ¡Se que muchos piensan, que estoy esperando Ocurra un milagro Que las personas muden de repente. ¡Están errados… eso no es un milagro! ¡Porque veo eso ocurrir…Una vez por año! ¡Así como ustedes lo ven una vez al año! ¡Es en Navidad! !Ay algo mágico en navidad! Vean como esa Fecha cambia a las personas... Son mas fraternales y amistosos, positivamente lo ven todo. ¿Porque? ...¡Llego la Navidad! ¿Porque ese mismo espíritu, no puede durar todo el año?... Si este Espíritu navideño durase los 365 días del año, crearíamos tanta fuerza desenvolviendo tremenda honda de amor, que ninguna otra fuerza U honda podría enfrentarnos. ¡Si amigos El justo heredara la tierra, comience hablar con su vecino, No Espere a que el juego este a punto de terminar... Nosotros somos la esperanza del mundo! Somos importantes, valemos mucho, estamos con un propósito en este Bello Jardín...llamado Tierra. Es tan simple tener paz. ¿Porque lo complicamos todo? ¿Porque oponernos a un régimen democrático, que establezca sus plenas Facultades al derecho del voto? ¿Porque oponernos a lo que se hallo bueno a ojos del todopoderoso? ¿Porque vivir en constante zozobra y miedo si no es parte del “Don Divino Otorgado a nuestra naturaleza" ¿Alterar los planes del Todopoderoso, ¿estará bien? ¿Es parte de sus enseñanzas? ¿A que llamaremos bueno y a que llamaremos malo? ¿Será tiempo de reflexionar, detenernos un momento y pensar en lo que Estamos haciendo, por nuestra nación? ¿Dejar de lado ese desenfrenado odio impulsivo que nos impide pensar con claridad? "Seamos Sabios" “Seamos justos" "Son sus enseñanzas" ¿Será tiempo de reflexionar de, detenernos un momento y pensar en lo que estamos haciendo, por nuestro futuro? Admiro a Mahatma Gandhi, sus por valores morales su fe en por una lucha que Muchos creyeron perdida, pasión por sus un Ideales por su Fuerza implacable Dolor hombre que Si retrocedía un paso era tomar impulso, Para mi uno de los mejores Pensadores, idealistas, Políticos, aunque no se consideraba como tal, tampoco le gustaba el sobrenombre que le puso su Amigo “Mahatma Gandhi "Pues significa” Alma blanca”. Tuvo dolores imborrables Personales Como fue, que a los trece años edad. Siguiendo la costumbre hindú, lo casaron con una niña de su edad llamada kasturbai, de quien estaba prometido desde los seis años saberlo Él joven esposo Se Enamoro Apasionadamente de la Muchacha Por amor estar con Ella era todo, abandono procedimiento hindú, El lecho de su padre moribundo, la misma noche en que murió este Suceso Dejo una Culpa imborrable en Gandhi, qué más Tarde sí declararía La contra del Matrimonio, entre niños y a favor de la continencia sexual. "una actitud que Aplaudo”. Púes para mi sigue siendo un niño de 13 años. Mahatma Gandhi Político y pensador indio, que había Mortales luchas Entre Los Grandes Teóricos Que modificaron La Política Configuración E ideológica del Mundo en el Siglo XX.Figura Este hombre de austeridad inflexible modestia absoluta y, Que Se quejaba del título de Mahatma (Gran Alma)Su Voluntad contra el poeta Rabindranath Tagore en un País que la Política era Sinónimo de corrupción Gandhi introdujo la Ética en ese dominio A Través del Ejemplo El predicamento Vivió en una Pobreza Paliativos extrema, Jamás concedió preferencia familiar, El ser Político Siempre Poder. Rechazo antes y después de la Liberación de la India. Este Rechazo convirtió al Líder de la no - Violencia en un CASO Entre Único revolucionarios Los de Todos Los Tiempos. Mahatma Gandhi, El 30 de enero de 1948, Cuando al anochecer sí dirigía una plegaria la policía comunitaria, fue alcanzado Por las balas al joven hindú. Tal Como lo había predicho una Nieta, Murió Como un Verdadero Mahatma, Con La Palabra Rama (Dios) en SUS Labios Como Dijo: Einstein “Quizás Las Generaciones venideras duden Alguna Vez De Que hombre semejante fuese Realidad sin Duda de carne y hueso en Este Mundo” 1869-1948. FRASES resaltantes FUERON Nuestra Recompensa sí encuentra en El Esfuerzo y no en los resultados por El. Examina que te impide amarte y disponte a liberarte de ello. Un Esfuerzo es Una victoria total COMPLETA. La Violencia es El Miedo a Los Ideales de los demás.Violencia Que yo soy Puesto imperfecto y necesito la Bondad y tolerancia de los Demás, También lo de tolerar Los Defectos del Mundo Hasta Que pueda encontrar El Secreto Que me permita ponerles remedio. Tolerancia La voz interior Dice: Que SIGA combatiendo contra El Mundo entero, aunque me encuentre Que no tema a este Mundo Sino Que avance llevando en mí Nada más que El temor a un Dios. Dios Nadie PUEDE HACER El Bien En Un corto Espacio de Vida, Mientras Hace “Daño en Otro”. La vida es Todo un indivisible Bondad Casi Todo Lo Que realice Insignificantes Sueños Pero es Muy Importante Que lo Haga. Hacer No hay camino para la Paz, La Paz es el Camino, Paz Ojo por ojo. El Mundo acabará ciego. Violencia Soy un soñador Realmente Práctico; mis sueños ningún son como bagatelas en el Aire. Lo Que Yo quiero es Convertir mis sueños en Realidad. Sueños No dejes Que Se Muera en el sol, sin que Hayan Muerto Tus Rencores,Odio.
Es el Otro Gran Revolucionario. "Martin Luter King “... 1929-1968. Religioso estadounidense Premio Nóbel de la Paz, Uno de los Principales Líderes del Movimiento Por La Defensa de los Derechos fundamentales e Importante Valedor de la Resistencia no violenta ante la discriminación racial. Si supiera Que El Mundo Acaba Mañana sí yo todavía Hoy plantaría Un árbol. Esperanza Si ayudo una sola persona Una esperanza una ora, no Habré vivido en vano. Esperanza Hemos aprendido Ver Como los Pájaros volar, nadar como los Peces,Pero no hemos aprendido De El Arte de Vivir Sencillo Como Hermanos. Convivencia Nada en El Mundo es Más Peligroso Que La ignorancia y la estupidez concienzuda Sincera. Estupidez Si de el hombre no ha Descubierto nada Por Lo Que morir, no es Digno de Vivir. Vida Nada en sí Olvida ofensa; y nada Más Rápido Que Un Despacio meditar A favor. Favor La Violencia social creación Más problemática, Que en admisibilidad del recurso Que es Violencia Nada que Un hombre Haga lo envilece Más Que El permitirse Caer tan Bajo Como odiar a ALGUIEN. Una Nación Que Gasta Más Dinero en Armamento militar Que en Programas Sociales en sí Se Acerca la Muerte Espiritual. Guerra Nuestra Generación de no se habrá lamentado Tanto de los Crímenes de Los perversos, Como del estremecedor silencio de Los Bondadosos.
Estos Comentarios De Interés personal porque al mundo que siento le Falta refrescar Su alma, cuerpo y espíritu Con la ayuda de Dios. Con verdades escritas Vividas de Grandes hombres. Muchas veces estas verdades y libertades Se escribieron con la tinta De sangre humana. ¿Porque lo hicieron? ... Porque Vivamos en Un "Mundo mejor Creo Seria el sueño de muchos grandes hombres. Y tal vez lo fue para Martin Luter King. Nuestra sociedad lamentablemente Esta decayendo, se apagan las voces de Esperanza y se escucha venir... "El tornado de degradación social" Provoca abrigar alguna vez un mundo lleno de esperanzas pero es inútil. Esta peor cada Vez, ya perdiendo los valores morales, sensibilidad, interés por el prójimo, la ayuda carece y el libertinaje la violencia sexual sobrepasa limites...Y que hacen mandatarios, autoridades ¡Nada¡"No todos" púes obvio Que hay interesados minoría en lo Intrínsico, Y no en buscar solución para este caos ... y preocupados por ello viven sin aplican a sus vidas Las enseñanzas u otros de éstos pensadores Grandes líderes. "Porque no tienen tiempo de Pensar en Soluciones Para que” Son pura y vana Oratoria (el arte de hablar en publico), Pero no hablan con El corazón Su pasión De juramentar es monetario. ¿Que es lo primero que les preguntan... ¿Juráis por Dios y la Patria? (El espíritu esta seco y el alma por obtener ansiosa ganancias) A costa del desvalido,del pobre, del necesitado,muertes,desastres, violación contra los derechos humanos, se cometen, actos de tortura infrahumana, secuestros de niños Por depravados inescrupulosos explotadores, proxenetas. entre otros Crece la miseria, el hambre aumenta Y Que solución buscan nuestros mandatarios,líderes,para solucionar esto púes ¿Es imposible Que no Tengan respuestas a Una solución mundial. "Lo encomendado a su cargo ante el cual juraron
¿Aun lo recordarán?
”Dios no Puede ser Burlado, todo lo que el hombre sembrare eso segara"
"Seamos Paladines de la Justicia, Visiones, Paz y Amor al menos Afortunado".
Es tan sencillo hacer feliz a Nuestro semejante con Poco. "Si tan solo nos uniéramos a una misma Causa que exalte nuestros Valores"

== Preamble ==
Through global communication networks, hundreds of millions of human beings today have the ability to access, modify, author, publish and distribute artistic works, scientific and educational materials, commentary, reports, and documents; in short: anything that can be represented as a sequence of bits. In many cases, however, we find that traditional copyright laws, which provide authors and artists with decades of protection even beyond their death, can impede cultural and scientific progress.

Redes Sociales
Works built by communities collaborating as volunteers, art created for the purpose of shared enjoyment, essential learning materials, scientific research funded through taxpayer money, and many other works do not benefit from artificial scarcity. They benefit from being used freely. We therefore believe that these works should be free, and by "freedom" we mean:
* the freedom to study the work and to apply knowledge acquired from it
* the freedom to redistribute copies, in whole or in part, of the information or expression
* the freedom to make improvements or other changes, and to release modified copies

These freedoms should be universally available to absolutely anyone, anywhere. To the extent possible, they should not be restricted by the context in which the work is used.!/@Carini777
http://www./tumblr/caridadtovar yahoo
Caridad Tovar

Caridad Tovar .V.
Any original work of authorship is copyrighted. Under copyright law, authors are considered God-like "creators" and are given legal powers they can use against those who duplicate "their" content in altered or unaltered form. Only very limited freedoms are granted to others unless authors choose to explicitly relinquish some or all of these powers. To do so, authors can explicitly release their work into the public domain (no copyright)<sup>[[#Notes|1]]</sup>, or can choose among a vast array of legal documents known as ''[[w:license|licenses]]'' to grant, retain or qualify their exclusive rights.

== Preamble ==
Not all licenses grant the freedoms enumerated above. For example, some popular licenses forbid the creation of derivative works, or the commercial use of a work. Some licenses are even more specific. They limit usage of the work to particular regions of the world, or to relative quantities of information.

Since the earliest humans appeared on planet earth they have drawn, painted, sang, carved, weaved, danced, recited, built, studied. These cultural works have been passed down from parent to child, from master to apprentice ever since, each taking the works of those that went before and passing it on to those who came after; each adding and improving and polishing and translating what they received so that human culture could grow and develop.
However, no work can be truly called "free" unless it can be freely shared, freely modified, freely aggregated, freely combined, and freely provided through any channel. Works under licenses that prohibit these essential freedoms stand seperate from the body of works that is not impeded by these restrictions. They are philosophically and legally incompatible with the licensing options used by the growing movement that refers to its works as "free content" or "free expression."

Since Science has been based on an explicit philosophy of sharing information, with all scientists expected to publish and any scientist free to repeat any experiment, we have seen an unprecedented explosion of scientific knowledge.
Any license which requires the term "free" to be significantly qualified ("it is free, but you cannot ..") can only mean "free" in the sense of "gratis, without cost". It can never mean that every essential freedom is present. It is the goal of this definition to precisely define the essential freedoms, and to provide guidelines by which existing licenses can be certified as meeting this definition.

In recent years social and technological advances make it possible for a growing part of humanity to share cultural works that can be represented in digital form with other people they have never met in person. These works include artworks, scientific and educational materials, software, stories, audio and video recordings.  Many communities have formed to exercise these new possibilities and create a wealth of collectively reusable works. As these collaboratively produced works grow in commercial value there is ever greater pressure to monetise these works, to erect toll gates so that the community who collaborated to create these works can be charged to access them.
== Naming and versioning ==

At different time over the years Copyright and Patent legislation has been introduced as a way of restricting and taxing that free flow of information - as a way of rewarding particularly innovative new contributions or favoured supporters of the government of the time. These laws have been used to create the tollgates mentioned above.
You may refer to this definition as the "Free Content and Expression Definition" (its full name), the "Free Content Definition", or the "Free Expression Definition". Consequently, you may call a work covered by this definition "free content" or (a) "free expression" (the terms may or may not be capitalized). [[Which name should you use?]] summarizes some arguments for and against the two names and possible alternatives.

'''Free Culture licenses''' have been created to provide a legal framework which reflects these collaborative working practices, providing a simple way for people to share with others the rights needed for such collaborations to happen, so that users can collaborate and work together  to create and improve '''Free Culture Works''' and ensure that these works stay free.
New versions of this definition shall be released as soon as a consensus (achieved directly or through a vote, as per the [[authoring process]]) has developed around suggested changes. Numbering shall be 0.x for initial draft releases, 1.x, 2.x .. for major releases, x.1, x.2 .. for minor releases. A minor release is made when the text is modified in ways which do not have an impact on the scope of existing or hypothetical licenses covered by this definition.
==Free Cultural Works==
Free Cultural Works are works where
* '''anyone''', i.e. rich or poor, socialist or fascist, man, woman or corporation;
* '''anywhere''', i.e. worldwide;
* '''anytime''', i.e. unlimited and irrevocable and forever.
has each of the following freedoms
====The freedom to use and perform the work====
to make any use, private or public, of the work. For kinds of works where it is relevant, this freedom should include all derived uses ("related rights") such as performing or interpreting the work. There must be no exception regarding, for example, political or religious or commercial considerations.
====The freedom to study the work and apply the information====
to examine the work and to use the knowledge gained from the work in any way. The license may not, for example, restrict "reverse engineering".
====The freedom to redistribute copies====
whether they are sold, swapped or given away for free, as part of a larger work, a collection, or independently. There must be no limit on the amount of information that can be copied. Neither may there be a limit on who can copy the information or on where the information can be copied. The license may not, for example, forbid "Commercial' exploitation of the work.

====The freedom to distribute derivative works====
== Recommended and required criteria ==
including modified versions (or, for physical works, a work somehow derived from the original), regardless of the intent and purpose of such modifications.

== Permissible restrictions==
This definition uses the terms ''may'', ''may not'' and ''must not'' in obvious ways to distinguish required and optional criteria for covered licenses. Importantly, it uses the term ''should'' where we recommend that licenses which do not meet the stated criteria should be amended. Later versions of this definition may make some of these criteria mandatory.
There are certain requirements and restrictions on the use or interchange of works that we feel do not impede the essential freedom in our definition. These restrictions can therefore be included in Free Culture licenses. They are described below.

=== Attribution of authors ===
== Essential freedoms ==

Attribution protects the integrity of an original work, and provides credit and recognition for authors. A license may therefore require attribution of the author or authors, provided such attribution does not impede normal use of the work. For example, it would not be acceptable for the license to require a significantly more cumbersome method of attribution when a modified version of the licensed text is distributed.
In order to be recognized as "free" under this definition, a license must grant the following freedoms without limitation:

In addition to the requirement for attribution the license may include restrictions to ensure the original author is not seen to be responsible for changes to the work made by others. This may include restrictions on the use of trademarks.
* '''The freedom to study and apply the information:''' The licensee must not be restricted by clauses which limit their right to examine, alter or apply the information. The license may not, for example, restrict "reverse engineering", and it may not limit the application of knowledge gained from the work in any way.
* '''The freedom to redistribute copies:''' Copies may be sold, swapped or given away for free, as part of a larger work, a collection, or independently. There must be no limit on the amount of information that can be copied. There must also not be any limit on who can copy the information or on where the information can be copied.
* '''The freedom to distribute modified versions:''' In order to give everyone the ability to improve upon a work, the license must not limit the freedom to distribute a modified version, as above, regardless of the intent and purpose of such modifications. However, some restrictions may be applied to protect these essential freedoms, as well as the requirement of attribution (see below).

=== Transmission of freedoms ===
== Allowed requirements and restrictions ==

There are certain restrictions on the use or interchange of works that we do not feel impede on the essential freedoms enumerated above. These are described below.

The license may include a clause, often called ''copyleft'' or ''share-alike'', which ensures that derivative works themselves remain free works. To this effect, it can for example require that derivative works are made available under the same free license as the original.
=== Attribution ===

The license may restrict the redistribution of the work as part of a compilation with other works unless the other other works are under the same license or are under another free license.
Attribution protects the integrity of an original work, and provides credit and recognition for authors, and lets viewers discover more of the work by the same author, and therefore benefit from it. A license may therefore require attribution of the author or authors, provided such attribution does not impede normal use of the work. For example, it would not be acceptable for the license to require a significantly more cumbersome method of attribution when a modified version of the licensed text is distributed.
The license may require that where the work is used to provide a service over the internet then users of the service will have rights under the license, such as the right to access, copy, ammend and redistribute the source code for software.

=== Protection of freedoms ===
=== Protection of freedoms ===

The license may include clauses that strive to further ensure that the ability to exercise the freedoms listed above is not restricted by technical or other means. These can include:
The license ''may'' include clauses that strive to protect the [[#Essential freedoms|essential freedoms]] of the work, such as:
* '''Availability of source data:''' Where a final work has been obtained through the compilation or processing of design information or a source file or multiple source files, the license may require that underlying source data should be available alongside the work itself under the same conditions. This can be the score of a musical composition, the models used in a 3D scene, the data of a scientific publication, the drawings and parts list of a machine, or any other such information.
* '''transparent copies:''' a clause requiring all copies of the work to be in a transparent file format (documented and not encumbered by patents) which allows the work to be freely used in perpetuity.
* '''Use of a free format:''' For digital files, the license may require that the format in which the work is made available should not be one that can only be read using a particular manufacturers program. Formats should be documented and should not be restricted by patents, unless these patents are licensed for use in free works. While non-free formats may sometimes be used for practical reasons, a free format copy means that the information will be accessible to everyone, for ever.
* '''copyleft or "share-alike":''' a clause requiring that derivative works are entirely made available under a license which meets this definition.
* '''No technical restrictions:''' The license may require that the work must be available in a form where no technical measures are used to limit the freedoms enumerated above.
* '''free from technical restrictions:''' a clause prohibiting the use of technical measures designed to prevent individuals to whom the work is distributed from exercising any of the freedoms described above.
* '''No other restrictions or limitations:''' The license may specify that it may not be used to distribute works which are covered by legal restrictions (patents, contracts, etc.) or limitations (such as privacy rights or being for non-commercial use only) which would impede the freedoms enumerated above. This can mean that if you agree to pay a patent holder for the right to use a program then you can lose the right to distribute that program (since you have acknowledged that you think the patent applies to the programme). This is sometimes known as a '''Liberty or Death''' clause and makes it more dificult for owners of weak patents to divide the users by offering deals to some users under the threat of a costly lawsuit.

===No other restrictions ===
The license ''may not'' include clauses that strive to limit the [[#Essential freedoms|essential freedoms]] of the work, such as:
* '''usage restrictions''': the license must not limit the licensee's actions beyond those which may have a plausible and direct impact on the essential freedoms of the work or its derivatives. Explicitly, it ''must not'' limit commercial use of the work.

Apart from these allowed restrictions, the license ''must not'' include clauses that limit essential freedoms. See [[Permissible restrictions]]
== Recommendations ==

== Free Culture Licenses ==
Authors of licenses ''should'' make an effort to gradually make licenses which share the same philosophical roots and legal principles compatible with each other to ensure that works under these licenses can be combined and aggregated freely. This may be accomplished by altering the terms of the license (e.g. by removing a restriction which the other license does not have), or by adding migration clauses which allow the use of the licensed work under the now compatible license.
It is important that any work that claims to be free provides, practically and without any risk, the aforementioned freedoms.

All new works are automatically covered by existing copyright laws which default to All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved considerably limit what others can and cannot do with the work. Authors can make their works free by choosing among a number of legal documents known as licenses which grant users the 4 freedoms listed above. 
When making copies of a work, the licensee ''should'' be allowed to refer to a resource pointer instead of being required to distribute the license text itself with each copy of the work. Similarly, the license ''should'' allow the author or authors to specify a resource pointer for the attribution of multiple authors of a work. This is to ensure that the attribution requirement for complex collaborative works does not become an impediment.
Licenses are legal instruments through which the owner of certain legal rights may transfer these rights to third parties.  Free Culture Licenses do not take rights away — they specify freedoms that are not included in a default copyright license such as All Rights Reserved. When accepted, they never limit or reduce existing user rights and exemptions under copyright law. Because the grant  rights which are additional to the rights users have under copyright therefore users  are not required to accept the license unless they want to exercise those additional rights.
== Identifying Free Cultural Works ==
This is the ''Definition of Free Cultural Works'', and when describing your work, we encourage you to make reference to this definition, as in, "This is a freely licensed work, as explained in the ''[ Definition of Free Cultural Works]''."  If you do not like the term "Free Cultural Work," you can use the generic term "Free Content," or refer instead to one of the [[Existing Movements|existing movements]] that express similar freedoms in more specific contexts. We also encourage you to use the [[logos and buttons|Free Cultural Works logos and buttons]], which are in the public domain.
Please be advised that such identification does ''not'' actually confer the rights described in this definition; for your work to be actually free, it must use one of the Free Culture [[Licenses]] or be in the public domain, or equivalent of.
Please don't use other terms to identify Cultural Works; terms which do not convey a clear definition of freedom; terms such as "Open Content" and "Open Access." These terms are often used to refer to content which is available under "less restrictive" terms than All Rights Reserved, or for works that are just "available on the Web", but they don't necessarily carry with them the freedoms referred to in this document.
== Availability of legal instruments ==
''Can'' in ''anyone can use, study, copy, change and improve'' ([[Definition/Unstable#Summary|summary]]) means anyone can realistically make his case in court that such freedom was granted. It implies that where a work is made free by way of a free cultural license, the legal instrument, by which the copyright or other right owner grants the license, must also be available to anyone in the legal form that is legally binding in the relevant legal context. The legal instrument should not be jealously and secretly kept by the first licensee.

== Further reading ==
== Further reading ==
Line 196: Line 74:
* See [[History]] for acknowledgments and background on this definition.
* See [[History]] for acknowledgments and background on this definition.
* See the [[FAQ]] for some questions and answers.
* See the [[FAQ]] for some questions and answers.
* See [[Portal:Index]] for topic-specific pages about free cultural works.
* See [[Portal:Index]] for topic-specific pages about free content and free expressions.
* See [ Libre Communities] and [ Wikipedia on Free/Libre Knowledge]
* See [ The Four Kinds of Freedom of Free Knowledge]

== Versioning ==
== Notes ==
# Under some jurisdictions, notably some European countries, authors have inalienable [[w:moral rights|moral rights]] and cannot completely release their works into the [[w:public domain|public domain]]. If you believe that you have a right to put your own works in the public domain, regardless of what the law says, you can make a declaration of public domain status which contains a safeguard clause, such as: "I, the author of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible: I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law."

New versions of this definition shall be released as soon as a consensus (achieved directly or through a vote, as per the [[authoring process]]) has developed around suggested changes. Numbering shall be 0.x for initial draft releases, 1.x, 2.x .. for major releases, x.1, x.2 .. for minor releases. A minor release is made when the text is modified in ways which do not have an impact on the scope of existing or hypothetical licenses covered by this definition.


Latest revision as of 21:19, 22 August 2024

Unstable version
This is the openly editable version of the definition. Please try to find a consensus for any significant changes you make on the discussion page. If you want to work on a substantially different derivative, you can try creating a fork. See authoring process for more information.


This document defines the terms "Free Content" and "Free Expression" as any work or expression which can be freely studied, applied, copied and/or modified, by anyone, for any purpose. It also describes certain permissible restrictions that respect or protect these essential freedoms. Additionally, the document provides a list of licenses which meet the terms of freedom laid out in this definition. ©️SS-001®️™️2024 Maria soledad corrales Garcia Osiel Armando Vazquez


Through global communication networks, hundreds of millions of human beings today have the ability to access, modify, author, publish and distribute artistic works, scientific and educational materials, commentary, reports, and documents; in short: anything that can be represented as a sequence of bits. In many cases, however, we find that traditional copyright laws, which provide authors and artists with decades of protection even beyond their death, can impede cultural and scientific progress.

Works built by communities collaborating as volunteers, art created for the purpose of shared enjoyment, essential learning materials, scientific research funded through taxpayer money, and many other works do not benefit from artificial scarcity. They benefit from being used freely. We therefore believe that these works should be free, and by "freedom" we mean:

  • the freedom to study the work and to apply knowledge acquired from it
  • the freedom to redistribute copies, in whole or in part, of the information or expression
  • the freedom to make improvements or other changes, and to release modified copies

These freedoms should be universally available to absolutely anyone, anywhere. To the extent possible, they should not be restricted by the context in which the work is used.

Any original work of authorship is copyrighted. Under copyright law, authors are considered God-like "creators" and are given legal powers they can use against those who duplicate "their" content in altered or unaltered form. Only very limited freedoms are granted to others unless authors choose to explicitly relinquish some or all of these powers. To do so, authors can explicitly release their work into the public domain (no copyright)1, or can choose among a vast array of legal documents known as licenses to grant, retain or qualify their exclusive rights.

Not all licenses grant the freedoms enumerated above. For example, some popular licenses forbid the creation of derivative works, or the commercial use of a work. Some licenses are even more specific. They limit usage of the work to particular regions of the world, or to relative quantities of information.

However, no work can be truly called "free" unless it can be freely shared, freely modified, freely aggregated, freely combined, and freely provided through any channel. Works under licenses that prohibit these essential freedoms stand seperate from the body of works that is not impeded by these restrictions. They are philosophically and legally incompatible with the licensing options used by the growing movement that refers to its works as "free content" or "free expression."

Any license which requires the term "free" to be significantly qualified ("it is free, but you cannot ..") can only mean "free" in the sense of "gratis, without cost". It can never mean that every essential freedom is present. It is the goal of this definition to precisely define the essential freedoms, and to provide guidelines by which existing licenses can be certified as meeting this definition.

Naming and versioning[edit]

You may refer to this definition as the "Free Content and Expression Definition" (its full name), the "Free Content Definition", or the "Free Expression Definition". Consequently, you may call a work covered by this definition "free content" or (a) "free expression" (the terms may or may not be capitalized). Which name should you use? summarizes some arguments for and against the two names and possible alternatives.

New versions of this definition shall be released as soon as a consensus (achieved directly or through a vote, as per the authoring process) has developed around suggested changes. Numbering shall be 0.x for initial draft releases, 1.x, 2.x .. for major releases, x.1, x.2 .. for minor releases. A minor release is made when the text is modified in ways which do not have an impact on the scope of existing or hypothetical licenses covered by this definition.

Recommended and required criteria[edit]

This definition uses the terms may, may not and must not in obvious ways to distinguish required and optional criteria for covered licenses. Importantly, it uses the term should where we recommend that licenses which do not meet the stated criteria should be amended. Later versions of this definition may make some of these criteria mandatory.

Essential freedoms[edit]

In order to be recognized as "free" under this definition, a license must grant the following freedoms without limitation:

  • The freedom to study and apply the information: The licensee must not be restricted by clauses which limit their right to examine, alter or apply the information. The license may not, for example, restrict "reverse engineering", and it may not limit the application of knowledge gained from the work in any way.
  • The freedom to redistribute copies: Copies may be sold, swapped or given away for free, as part of a larger work, a collection, or independently. There must be no limit on the amount of information that can be copied. There must also not be any limit on who can copy the information or on where the information can be copied.
  • The freedom to distribute modified versions: In order to give everyone the ability to improve upon a work, the license must not limit the freedom to distribute a modified version, as above, regardless of the intent and purpose of such modifications. However, some restrictions may be applied to protect these essential freedoms, as well as the requirement of attribution (see below).

Allowed requirements and restrictions[edit]

There are certain restrictions on the use or interchange of works that we do not feel impede on the essential freedoms enumerated above. These are described below.


Attribution protects the integrity of an original work, and provides credit and recognition for authors, and lets viewers discover more of the work by the same author, and therefore benefit from it. A license may therefore require attribution of the author or authors, provided such attribution does not impede normal use of the work. For example, it would not be acceptable for the license to require a significantly more cumbersome method of attribution when a modified version of the licensed text is distributed.

Protection of freedoms[edit]

The license may include clauses that strive to protect the essential freedoms of the work, such as:

  • transparent copies: a clause requiring all copies of the work to be in a transparent file format (documented and not encumbered by patents) which allows the work to be freely used in perpetuity.
  • copyleft or "share-alike": a clause requiring that derivative works are entirely made available under a license which meets this definition.
  • free from technical restrictions: a clause prohibiting the use of technical measures designed to prevent individuals to whom the work is distributed from exercising any of the freedoms described above.

The license may not include clauses that strive to limit the essential freedoms of the work, such as:

  • usage restrictions: the license must not limit the licensee's actions beyond those which may have a plausible and direct impact on the essential freedoms of the work or its derivatives. Explicitly, it must not limit commercial use of the work.


Authors of licenses should make an effort to gradually make licenses which share the same philosophical roots and legal principles compatible with each other to ensure that works under these licenses can be combined and aggregated freely. This may be accomplished by altering the terms of the license (e.g. by removing a restriction which the other license does not have), or by adding migration clauses which allow the use of the licensed work under the now compatible license.

When making copies of a work, the licensee should be allowed to refer to a resource pointer instead of being required to distribute the license text itself with each copy of the work. Similarly, the license should allow the author or authors to specify a resource pointer for the attribution of multiple authors of a work. This is to ensure that the attribution requirement for complex collaborative works does not become an impediment.

Further reading[edit]

  • See Licenses for discussion of individual licenses, and whether they meet this definition or not.
  • See History for acknowledgments and background on this definition.
  • See the FAQ for some questions and answers.
  • See Portal:Index for topic-specific pages about free content and free expressions.


  1. Under some jurisdictions, notably some European countries, authors have inalienable moral rights and cannot completely release their works into the public domain. If you believe that you have a right to put your own works in the public domain, regardless of what the law says, you can make a declaration of public domain status which contains a safeguard clause, such as: "I, the author of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible: I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law."