Version 1.1 of the definition has been released. Please help updating it, contribute translations, and help us with the design of logos and buttons to identify free cultural works and licenses!

User talk:Valenna

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Truly blessed is the one who is a conduit for creativity and energy of love. love - it is creativity, and creativity embodied love - this is a MASTER initiated by GOD himself. Creativity and spiritual growth in life, at home and at work - are elements that make up a whole. And all of reinforcing each other, helping to improve humanity. This fifth essentsiya success. This is the secret of God, which he gave in the hands of Master Internetovskogo business that they carried into the world of these invaluable knowledge, opening a new road to modern man. Because it's harmony, it is very sufficiency, it is moving forward and a significant leap into the future.

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OpenID is really easy to integrate and allows users from many large sites such as AOL, LiveJournal, and WordPress to login with just a fewclicks. I encourage you to check out or join the mailing list

Thanks, Valentina Bincovscaia