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From Definition of Free Cultural Works
Revision as of 21:27, 20 January 2009 by (talk) (asoition cultural humanitaire FREEDOMMILENIOUMM)
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We want to create a free cultural edition of curent opinon named FREEDOMMILENIUMM who can be definite in a web site for protectany personsonality and his creators ideas who do in use of help humanity and developments new tehniques in any domains who can do many tehnology new and programs necesaire development all sectors of activity who action in aor society:economics,educational,cultural,religion ,linngvistic,healths,science,governamentals.We must to protect this tresure international named GENBIUSMINDS in a society very,very protected,by law international who is in benefit of this persons and own familiys.They are the aor legacy for the future.    Please take in cosideration all assertion of all culture from beghining with population maya,incasa,egiptian,sumeriens,and the number of gold 1,618033.Civilization who want to sent a messages we must anderstand.Only this peoples can be discover the aor salvation.We must to prove in profety The God in his love not to want to loose us because ha want to return aor face of him and pray and request to do aor saints.For this we must to belive in trinity GOD-JESU-SPIRITUS SANTUCS.
Mayby many peoples belive that I am crazy or a week peoples becausec exist this theory that only peoples week trust in a divine help.I want to enshure of evrybady that I am In all my facultative menthal and much more I want to tell a true who can not be denight of enybady peoples from this world: THE BIBILE IS THE FIRST BOOK IN THE WORLD AND THE GOD IS RECOGNITO FROM THE ALL GREAT RELIGION FROM THIS WORLD.  IN NAME OF FATHER-SAN-SPIRITUS SANTUCS AMIN!           

            I hope that all who writte tthis request to be with had of the body and approve this 
                  new association FREEDOMMILENIUMM