Version 1.1 of the definition has been released. Please help updating it, contribute translations, and help us with the design of logos and buttons to identify free cultural works and licenses!

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== オープンソースハードウェア(OSHW)基準書1.0 ==
== オープンソース・ハードウェア(OSHW)基準書1.0 ==
:「オープンソース・ハードウェア」(^ナカグロ)の方が、意味の切れ目が明示されて読みやすく、また、この文書全体で「ハードウェア」という言葉が使われているので、その下部構造であることを明示するのに良い気がするのですが、いかがでしょうか。細かくてすいません。ご参考まで。なおOSSはナカグロを入れていません。-- @weed_7777
: 全般に「--」の訳(?)を「—」としていますが、見づらく、「ー」と混同しやすいので、「——」(←2個)とするか前後に空白を入れるといいと思います。 --@ssci
: やはり、「item」や「work」の訳語としての「もの」が違和感です。漢字にするか、他に適当な訳語を探すか。 --@ssci

Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Statement of Principles 1.0
Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Statement of Principles 1.0
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Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The hardware's source, the design from which it is made, is available in the preferred format for making modifications to it. Ideally, open source hardware uses readily-available components and materials, standard processes, open infrastructure, unrestricted content, and open-source design tools to maximize the ability of individuals to make and use hardware. Open source hardware gives people the freedom to control their technology while sharing knowledge and encouraging commerce through the open exchange of designs.
Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The hardware's source, the design from which it is made, is available in the preferred format for making modifications to it. Ideally, open source hardware uses readily-available components and materials, standard processes, open infrastructure, unrestricted content, and open-source design tools to maximize the ability of individuals to make and use hardware. Open source hardware gives people the freedom to control their technology while sharing knowledge and encouraging commerce through the open exchange of designs.

:「テクノロジーを統制する自由」の部分は「テクノロジーを統御する自由」ではいかがでしょうか。-- @NetSynth
: 「変更を加えることができるよう、推奨されたフォーマット」→「変更を加えるのに適したファイル形式」 --@ssci

== オープンソースハードウェア(OSHW)の定義1.0 ==
== オープンソース・ハードウェア(OSHW)の定義1.0 ==

Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definition 1.0
Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definition 1.0
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''Please join the conversation about the definition [ here]''
''Please join the conversation about the definition [ here]''

''OSHWのドラフト定義1.0はオープンソースソフトウェアのための[ オープンソースの定義]と[ OSHWのドラフト定義0.5]に基づく。この定義は、Bruce PerensとDebianの開発者がDebianフリーソフトウェアガイドラインとして作った[ オープンソースの定義]から派生したものである。以下の定義のキックオフを行ったOpening Hardwareワークショップのビデオとドキュメントは[ ここ]で入手可能である。''
''OSHWのドラフト定義1.0はオープンソースソフトウェアのための[ オープンソースの定義]と[ OSHWのドラフト定義0.5]に基づく。この定義は、Bruce PerensとDebianの開発者がDebianフリーソフトウェアガイドラインとして作った[ オープンソースの定義]から派生した制作物である。以下の定義のキックオフを行ったOpening Hardwareワークショップのビデオとドキュメントは[ ここ]で入手可能である。''
''定義に関する話し合いは[ ここ]で参加してほしい。''
''定義に関する話し合いは[ ここ]で参加してほしい。''

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Open Source Hardware (OSHW) is a term for tangible artifacts -- machines, devices, or other physical things -- whose design has been released to the public in such a way that anyone can make, modify, distribute, and use those things. This definition is intended to help provide guidelines for the development and evaluation of licenses for Open Source Hardware.
Open Source Hardware (OSHW) is a term for tangible artifacts -- machines, devices, or other physical things -- whose design has been released to the public in such a way that anyone can make, modify, distribute, and use those things. This definition is intended to help provide guidelines for the development and evaluation of licenses for Open Source Hardware.


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It is important to note that hardware is different from software in that physical resources must always be committed for the creation of physical goods. Accordingly, persons or companies producing items ("products") under an OSHW license have an obligation not to imply that such products are manufactured, sold, warrantied, or otherwise sanctioned by the original designer and also not to make use of any trademarks owned by the original designer.
It is important to note that hardware is different from software in that physical resources must always be committed for the creation of physical goods. Accordingly, persons or companies producing items ("products") under an OSHW license have an obligation not to imply that such products are manufactured, sold, warrantied, or otherwise sanctioned by the original designer and also not to make use of any trademarks owned by the original designer.


The distribution terms of Open Source Hardware must comply with the following criteria:
The distribution terms of Open Source Hardware must comply with the following criteria:


'''1. ドキュメンテーション'''
'''1. ドキュメンテーション'''
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The hardware must be released with documentation including design files, and must allow modification and distribution of the design files. Where documentation is not furnished with the physical product, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining this documentation for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably downloading via the Internet without charge. The documentation must include design files in the preferred format for making changes, for example the native file format of a CAD program. Deliberately obfuscated design files are not allowed. Intermediate forms analogous to compiled computer code -- such as printer-ready copper artwork from a CAD program -- are not allowed as substitutes. The license may require that the design files are provided in fully-documented, open format(s).  
The hardware must be released with documentation including design files, and must allow modification and distribution of the design files. Where documentation is not furnished with the physical product, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining this documentation for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably downloading via the Internet without charge. The documentation must include design files in the preferred format for making changes, for example the native file format of a CAD program. Deliberately obfuscated design files are not allowed. Intermediate forms analogous to compiled computer code -- such as printer-ready copper artwork from a CAD program -- are not allowed as substitutes. The license may require that the design files are provided in fully-documented, open format(s).  


'''2. 範囲'''
'''2. 範囲'''
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'''7. 人または団体の差別の禁止'''
'''7. 個人または団体の差別の禁止'''
:以下の訳に合わせて「人または」→「個人または」としては? -- @NetSynth

7. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
7. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
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The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the work (including manufactured hardware) in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it must not restrict the hardware from being used in a business, or from being used in nuclear research.
The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the work (including manufactured hardware) in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it must not restrict the hardware from being used in a business, or from being used in nuclear research.


'''9. ライセンスの頒布'''
'''9. ライセンスの頒布'''
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The rights granted by the license must apply to all to whom the work is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.
The rights granted by the license must apply to all to whom the work is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.


'''10. ライセンスは特定の製品に固有のものではいけない'''
'''10. ライセンスは特定の製品に固有のものではいけない'''
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The rights granted by the license must not depend on the licensed work being part of a particular product. If a portion is extracted from a work and used or distributed within the terms of the license, all parties to whom that work is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted for the original work.
The rights granted by the license must not depend on the licensed work being part of a particular product. If a portion is extracted from a work and used or distributed within the terms of the license, all parties to whom that work is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted for the original work.


'''11. ライセンスは他のハードウェアまたはソフトウェアを制限しない'''
'''11. ライセンスは他のハードウェアまたはソフトウェアを制限しない'''
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The license must not place restrictions on other items that are aggregated with the licensed work but not derivative of it. For example, the license must not insist that all other hardware sold with the licensed item be open source, nor that only open source software be used external to the device.
The license must not place restrictions on other items that are aggregated with the licensed work but not derivative of it. For example, the license must not insist that all other hardware sold with the licensed item be open source, nor that only open source software be used external to the device.


'''12. ライセンスはテクノロジーに中立でなければならない'''
'''12. ライセンスはテクノロジーに中立でなければならない'''
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The signatories of this Open Source Hardware definition recognize that the open source movement represents only one way of sharing information. We encourage and support all forms of openness and collaboration, whether or not they fit this definition.
The signatories of this Open Source Hardware definition recognize that the open source movement represents only one way of sharing information. We encourage and support all forms of openness and collaboration, whether or not they fit this definition.


== ライセンスとハードウェア ==
== ライセンスとハードウェア ==
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In promoting Open Hardware, it is important not to unintentionally deceive designers regarding the extent to which their licenses actually can control their designs. Under U.S. law, and law in many other places, copyright does not apply to electronic designs. Patents do. The result is that an Open Hardware license can in general be used to restrict the ''plans'' but probably ''not'' the manufactured devices or even restatements of the same design that are not textual copies of the original. The applicable section of copyright law is 17.102(b), which says:
In promoting Open Hardware, it is important not to unintentionally deceive designers regarding the extent to which their licenses actually can control their designs. Under U.S. law, and law in many other places, copyright does not apply to electronic designs. Patents do. The result is that an Open Hardware license can in general be used to restrict the ''plans'' but probably ''not'' the manufactured devices or even restatements of the same design that are not textual copies of the original. The applicable section of copyright law is 17.102(b), which says:

オープンハードウェアに取り組む<ref>「を推進する」はいかがでしょうか --@weed_7777</ref>にあたり、ライセンスによってどの程度まで設計<ref name="design">アート系の方にも馴染むよう「デザイン」と訳した方が良い気がします。--@weed_7777</ref>をコントロール<ref>ここでは「オープンソース・ハードウェアのライセンスは法的な根拠を持っておらず、ライセンスが実際にデザインを統制することができるわけではない」ということをデザイナーは知らされるべき(紳士的項目)だという意味だと思うので、「統制する」はいかがでしょうか --@weed_7777</ref>できるかに関して、設計者を無意識に欺かないようにすることは重要である。合衆国、およびその他多くの法の元では、著作権は電子回路の設計に対しては適用しない。特許は適用する。その結果として、オープンハードウェアライセンスは一般的に「計画」<ref>日本語の計画はprojectに近い気がします。「プラン」はいかがでしょうか。--@weed_7777</ref>を制限するのに用いることは可能だが、製造された装置やオリジナルの完全なコピーでない設計<ref name="design"/>に対しては不可能である。著作権法の適用区域は17.102(b)であり、次のように述べている:
オープンハードウェアを推進するにあたり、ライセンスによってどの程度まで設計<ref name="design">アート系の方にも馴染むよう「デザイン」と訳した方が良い気がします。--@weed_7777 </ref>を統制できるかに関して、設計者を無意識に欺かないようにすることは重要である。合衆国、およびその他多くの法の元では、著作権は電子回路の設計に対しては適用しない。特許は適用する。その結果として、オープンハードウェアライセンスは一般的に「計画」<ref>日本語の計画はprojectに近い気がします。「プラン」はいかがでしょうか。--@weed_7777</ref>を制限するのに用いることは可能だが、製造された装置やオリジナルの完全なコピーでない設計<ref name="design"/>に対しては不可能である。著作権法の適用区域は17.102(b)であり、次のように述べている:

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:''In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.''
:''In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.''

:日本の著作権法の原文を抜粋するのがいちばん良いのでしょうが、いずれこの文書全体に解釈が付加される機会があると思いますので、現状は米国著作権法の翻訳「いかなる場合にも、著作者が作成した創作的な著作物に対する著作権による保護は、着想、手順、プロセス、方式、操作方法、概念、原理または発見(これらが著作物において記述され、説明され、描写され、または収録される形式の如何を問わない)には及ばない。」(出典:著作権情報センター>外国著作権法>アメリカ編 )を引っぱるのが良いのではないでしょうか。--@weed_7777

Revision as of 11:30, 1 March 2011

翻訳:@kotobuki @morecat_lab @NetSynth @ssci @weed_7777 @munef



Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Statement of Principles 1.0

Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The hardware's source, the design from which it is made, is available in the preferred format for making modifications to it. Ideally, open source hardware uses readily-available components and materials, standard processes, open infrastructure, unrestricted content, and open-source design tools to maximize the ability of individuals to make and use hardware. Open source hardware gives people the freedom to control their technology while sharing knowledge and encouraging commerce through the open exchange of designs.



Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definition 1.0

OSHW Draft Definition 1.0 is based on the Open Source Definition for Open Source Software and draft OSHW definition 0.5. The definition is derived from the Open Source Definition, which was created by Bruce Perens and the Debian developers as the Debian Free Software Guidelines. Videos and Documentation of the Opening Hardware workshop which kicked off the below definition are available here. Please join the conversation about the definition here

OSHWのドラフト定義1.0はオープンソースソフトウェアのためのオープンソースの定義OSHWのドラフト定義0.5に基づく。この定義は、Bruce PerensとDebianの開発者がDebianフリーソフトウェアガイドラインとして作ったオープンソースの定義から派生した制作物である。以下の定義のキックオフを行ったOpening Hardwareワークショップのビデオとドキュメントはここで入手可能である。 定義に関する話し合いはここで参加してほしい。



Open Source Hardware (OSHW) is a term for tangible artifacts -- machines, devices, or other physical things -- whose design has been released to the public in such a way that anyone can make, modify, distribute, and use those things. This definition is intended to help provide guidelines for the development and evaluation of licenses for Open Source Hardware.


It is important to note that hardware is different from software in that physical resources must always be committed for the creation of physical goods. Accordingly, persons or companies producing items ("products") under an OSHW license have an obligation not to imply that such products are manufactured, sold, warrantied, or otherwise sanctioned by the original designer and also not to make use of any trademarks owned by the original designer.


The distribution terms of Open Source Hardware must comply with the following criteria:


1. ドキュメンテーション

1. Documentation

The hardware must be released with documentation including design files, and must allow modification and distribution of the design files. Where documentation is not furnished with the physical product, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining this documentation for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably downloading via the Internet without charge. The documentation must include design files in the preferred format for making changes, for example the native file format of a CAD program. Deliberately obfuscated design files are not allowed. Intermediate forms analogous to compiled computer code -- such as printer-ready copper artwork from a CAD program -- are not allowed as substitutes. The license may require that the design files are provided in fully-documented, open format(s).


2. 範囲

2. Scope

The documentation for the hardware must clearly specify what portion of the design, if not all, is being released under the license.


3. 必要なソフトウェア

3. Necessary Software

If the licensed design requires software, embedded or otherwise, to operate properly and fulfill its essential functions, then the license may require that one of the following conditions are met:


a) The interfaces are sufficiently documented such that it could reasonably be considered straightforward to write open source software that allows the device to operate properly and fulfill its essential functions. For example, this may include the use of detailed signal timing diagrams or pseudocode to clearly illustrate the interface in operation.


b) The necessary software is released under an OSI-approved open source license.

b) 必要なソフトウェアがOSIに認められたオープンソースライセンス下で公開されている。

4. 派生物

4. Derived Works

The license shall allow modifications and derived works, and shall allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original work. The license shall allow for the manufacture, sale, distribution, and use of products created from the design files, the design files themselves, and derivatives therof.


5. 再頒布の自由

5. Free redistribution

The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the project documentation. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale. The license shall not require any royalty or fee related to the sale of derived works.


6. 帰属

6. Attribution

The license may require derived documents, and copyright notices associated with devices, to provide attribution to the licensors when distributing design files, manufactured products, and/or derivatives thereof. The license may require that this information be accessible to the end-user using the device normally, but shall not specify a specific format of display. The license may require derived works to carry a different name or version number from the original design.


7. 個人または団体の差別の禁止

7. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.


8. 活動分野に対する差別の禁止

8. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor

The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the work (including manufactured hardware) in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it must not restrict the hardware from being used in a business, or from being used in nuclear research.


9. ライセンスの頒布

9. Distribution of License

The rights granted by the license must apply to all to whom the work is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.


10. ライセンスは特定の製品に固有のものではいけない

10. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product

The rights granted by the license must not depend on the licensed work being part of a particular product. If a portion is extracted from a work and used or distributed within the terms of the license, all parties to whom that work is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted for the original work.


11. ライセンスは他のハードウェアまたはソフトウェアを制限しない

11. License Must Not Restrict Other Hardware or Software

The license must not place restrictions on other items that are aggregated with the licensed work but not derivative of it. For example, the license must not insist that all other hardware sold with the licensed item be open source, nor that only open source software be used external to the device.


12. ライセンスはテクノロジーに中立でなければならない

12. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology, specific part or component, material, or style of interface or use thereof.




The signatories of this Open Source Hardware definition recognize that the open source movement represents only one way of sharing information. We encourage and support all forms of openness and collaboration, whether or not they fit this definition.



Licenses and Hardware

In promoting Open Hardware, it is important not to unintentionally deceive designers regarding the extent to which their licenses actually can control their designs. Under U.S. law, and law in many other places, copyright does not apply to electronic designs. Patents do. The result is that an Open Hardware license can in general be used to restrict the plans but probably not the manufactured devices or even restatements of the same design that are not textual copies of the original. The applicable section of copyright law is 17.102(b), which says:


  1. 1.0 1.1 アート系の方にも馴染むよう「デザイン」と訳した方が良い気がします。--@weed_7777
  2. 日本語の計画はprojectに近い気がします。「プラン」はいかがでしょうか。--@weed_7777
In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
