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* '''[{{fullurl:Talk:Definition/Unstable|action=edit&section=new}} Start a new discussion topic]'''

* [{{fullurl:Talk:Definition/Unstable|oldid=2129}} Archived comments until June 20, 2006]
* [{{fullurl:Talk:Definition/Unstable|oldid=8702}} Archived comments until January 3, 2010]
Ephesians 6:12.. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
The spiritual battles we face are not a figment of our imaginations, they are real. We are wrestling against unseen spiritual forces of darkness, not against flesh and blood. There are organized demonic forces , spiritual powers and rulers of darkness.. spirits of violence, confusion, greed, hate, murder, rebellion, fear, lust, perversion.. that are hovering over our cities, communities and nations. They are everywhere.. on the streets.. in our places of work.. everywhere.
THEIR OBJECTIVES: To tear down and destroy all that is holy, all that is pure, all morality, all sense of decency.
To destroy and tear down governments; pervert justice, and establish atheistic, immoral leaders.
To discredit Christian leaders, and weaken their godly influence in our cities and countries. To silence their voices.
To divide the Body of Christ.. to bring division and strife within churches.. to get the Church sidetracked from its true purpose of winning souls into The Kingdom Of God.
To destroy families.. turn husbands and wives against one another; to sow seeds of rebellion in the hearts of the teenagers; to cause feelings of rejection, mistrust, bitterness, resentment.
To destroy all Christians.. to steal their joy, to destroy their confidence in GOD, to tempt them to turn their backs on GOD and sin against HIM.
To stop you from growing up into the full stature of JESUS, to stop you from praying, to hinder GOD’S answers to your prayers, to stop you from reading and studying the WORD, to hinder you from applying the WORD to your life, to stop you from doing GOD’S Will.
These evil powers and principalities have established strongholds in our cities, communities and nations that no atomic bomb, no nuclear weapon, no carnal weapon any nation possesses can destroy.
The only power strong enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds in the nations of the earth are the prayers of GOD’S people!
Stop for a moment and think about the battles you are facing right now. Think about the strongholds satan has tried to build in your life, in your home, in your community, in your nation. You may be facing situations and problems that are causing you to be confused and afraid. You don’t know how to pray concerning them.
You may be attacked in your finances. Your debts keep pilling up and, regardless of how hard you may try, there is never enough money to go around. Your mind has been in a constant turmoil. You have been worrying about what you are going to do and where you are going to get the money you need.
You may be attacked physically and mentally. Your strength seems to be gone.. discouragement and doubt are setting in.
Or you have been seeking GOD for direction.. to hear HIS Voice.. to know HIS Will concerning important decisions you need to make.
You have done everything you know to do. You have wept. You have pleaded. You have cried out to GOD. Yet, it seems as if the heavens are brass.. that somehow your prayers are not getting through.
Like the great warrior king David, from the depths of your spirit you cry out, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your Face from me? (Psalm 13:1, NIV).
GOD has not left you alone. HE has not forgotten you. The very first moment you called upon HIM, HE heard you.
You are fighting against powers and principalities that have built a strong line of defense.. a barrier to hinder you from receiving the answers to your prayers. GOD is not withholding HIMSELF from you.
Ephesians 6:12.. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
The spiritual battles we face are not a figment of our imaginations, they are real. We are wrestling against unseen spiritual forces of darkness, not against flesh and blood. There are organized demonic forces , spiritual powers and rulers of darkness.. spirits of violence, confusion, greed, hate, murder, rebellion, fear, lust, perversion.. that are hovering over our cities, communities and nations. They are everywhere.. on the streets.. in our places of work.. everywhere.
THEIR OBJECTIVES: To tear down and destroy all that is holy, all that is pure, all morality, all sense of decency.
To destroy and tear down governments; pervert justice, and establish atheistic, immoral leaders.
To discredit Christian leaders, and weaken their godly influence in our cities and countries. To silence their voices.
To divide the Body of Christ.. to bring division and strife within churches.. to get the Church sidetracked from its true purpose of winning souls into The Kingdom Of God.
To destroy families.. turn husbands and wives against one another; to sow seeds of rebellion in the hearts of the teenagers; to cause feelings of rejection, mistrust, bitterness, resentment.
To destroy all Christians.. to steal their joy, to destroy their confidence in GOD, to tempt them to turn their backs on GOD and sin against HIM.
To stop you from growing up into the full stature of JESUS, to stop you from praying, to hinder GOD’S answers to your prayers, to stop you from reading and studying the WORD, to hinder you from applying the WORD to your life, to stop you from doing GOD’S Will.
These evil powers and principalities have established strongholds in our cities, communities and nations that no atomic bomb, no nuclear weapon, no carnal weapon any nation possesses can destroy.
The only power strong enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds in the nations of the earth are the prayers of GOD’S people!
Stop for a moment and think about the battles you are facing right now. Think about the strongholds satan has tried to build in your life, in your home, in your community, in your nation. You may be facing situations and problems that are causing you to be confused and afraid. You don’t know how to pray concerning them.
You may be attacked in your finances. Your debts keep pilling up and, regardless of how hard you may try, there is never enough money to go around. Your mind has been in a constant turmoil. You have been worrying about what you are going to do and where you are going to get the money you need.
You may be attacked physically and mentally. Your strength seems to be gone.. discouragement and doubt are setting in.
Or you have been seeking GOD for direction.. to hear HIS Voice.. to know HIS Will concerning important decisions you need to make.
You have done everything you know to do. You have wept. You have pleaded. You have cried out to GOD. Yet, it seems as if the heavens are brass.. that somehow your prayers are not getting through.
Like the great warrior king David, from the depths of your spirit you cry out, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your Face from me? (Psalm 13:1, NIV).
GOD has not left you alone. HE has not forgotten you. The very first moment you called upon HIM, HE heard you.
You are fighting against powers and principalities that have built a strong line of defense.. a barrier to hinder you from receiving the answers to your prayers. GOD is not withholding HIMSELF from you.
Ephesians 6:12.. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
The spiritual battles we face are not a figment of our imaginations, they are real. We are wrestling against unseen spiritual forces of darkness, not against flesh and blood. There are organized demonic forces , spiritual powers and rulers of darkness.. spirits of violence, confusion, greed, hate, murder, rebellion, fear, lust, perversion.. that are hovering over our cities, communities and nations. They are everywhere.. on the streets.. in our places of work.. everywhere.
THEIR OBJECTIVES: To tear down and destroy all that is holy, all that is pure, all morality, all sense of decency.
To destroy and tear down governments; pervert justice, and establish atheistic, immoral leaders.
To discredit Christian leaders, and weaken their godly influence in our cities and countries. To silence their voices.
To divide the Body of Christ.. to bring division and strife within churches.. to get the Church sidetracked from its true purpose of winning souls into The Kingdom Of God.
To destroy families.. turn husbands and wives against one another; to sow seeds of rebellion in the hearts of the teenagers; to cause feelings of rejection, mistrust, bitterness, resentment.
To destroy all Christians.. to steal their joy, to destroy their confidence in GOD, to tempt them to turn their backs on GOD and sin against HIM.
To stop you from growing up into the full stature of JESUS, to stop you from praying, to hinder GOD’S answers to your prayers, to stop you from reading and studying the WORD, to hinder you from applying the WORD to your life, to stop you from doing GOD’S Will.
These evil powers and principalities have established strongholds in our cities, communities and nations that no atomic bomb, no nuclear weapon, no carnal weapon any nation possesses can destroy.
The only power strong enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds in the nations of the earth are the prayers of GOD’S people!
Stop for a moment and think about the battles you are facing right now. Think about the strongholds satan has tried to build in your life, in your home, in your community, in your nation. You may be facing situations and problems that are causing you to be confused and afraid. You don’t know how to pray concerning them.
You may be attacked in your finances. Your debts keep pilling up and, regardless of how hard you may try, there is never enough money to go around. Your mind has been in a constant turmoil. You have been worrying about what you are going to do and where you are going to get the money you need.
You may be attacked physically and mentally. Your strength seems to be gone.. discouragement and doubt are setting in.
Or you have been seeking GOD for direction.. to hear HIS Voice.. to know HIS Will concerning important decisions you need to make.
You have done everything you know to do. You have wept. You have pleaded. You have cried out to GOD. Yet, it seems as if the heavens are brass.. that somehow your prayers are not getting through.
Like the great warrior king David, from the depths of your spirit you cry out, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your Face from me? (Psalm 13:1, NIV).
GOD has not left you alone. HE has not forgotten you. The very first moment you called upon HIM, HE heard you.
You are fighting against powers and principalities that have built a strong line of defense.. a barrier to hinder you from receiving the answers to your prayers. GOD is not withholding HIMSELF from you.
Ephesians 6:12.. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
The spiritual battles we face are not a figment of our imaginations, they are real. We are wrestling against unseen spiritual forces of darkness, not against flesh and blood. There are organized demonic forces , spiritual powers and rulers of darkness.. spirits of violence, confusion, greed, hate, murder, rebellion, fear, lust, perversion.. that are hovering over our cities, communities and nations. They are everywhere.. on the streets.. in our places of work.. everywhere.
THEIR OBJECTIVES: To tear down and destroy all that is holy, all that is pure, all morality, all sense of decency.
To destroy and tear down governments; pervert justice, and establish atheistic, immoral leaders.
To discredit Christian leaders, and weaken their godly influence in our cities and countries. To silence their voices.
To divide the Body of Christ.. to bring division and strife within churches.. to get the Church sidetracked from its true purpose of winning souls into The Kingdom Of God.
To destroy families.. turn husbands and wives against one another; to sow seeds of rebellion in the hearts of the teenagers; to cause feelings of rejection, mistrust, bitterness, resentment.
To destroy all Christians.. to steal their joy, to destroy their confidence in GOD, to tempt them to turn their backs on GOD and sin against HIM.
To stop you from growing up into the full stature of JESUS, to stop you from praying, to hinder GOD’S answers to your prayers, to stop you from reading and studying the WORD, to hinder you from applying the WORD to your life, to stop you from doing GOD’S Will.
These evil powers and principalities have established strongholds in our cities, communities and nations that no atomic bomb, no nuclear weapon, no carnal weapon any nation possesses can destroy.
The only power strong enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds in the nations of the earth are the prayers of GOD’S people!
Stop for a moment and think about the battles you are facing right now. Think about the strongholds satan has tried to build in your life, in your home, in your community, in your nation. You may be facing situations and problems that are causing you to be confused and afraid. You don’t know how to pray concerning them.
You may be attacked in your finances. Your debts keep pilling up and, regardless of how hard you may try, there is never enough money to go around. Your mind has been in a constant turmoil. You have been worrying about what you are going to do and where you are going to get the money you need.
You may be attacked physically and mentally. Your strength seems to be gone.. discouragement and doubt are setting in.
Or you have been seeking GOD for direction.. to hear HIS Voice.. to know HIS Will concerning important decisions you need to make.
You have done everything you know to do. You have wept. You have pleaded. You have cried out to GOD. Yet, it seems as if the heavens are brass.. that somehow your prayers are not getting through.
Like the great warrior king David, from the depths of your spirit you cry out, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your Face from me? (Psalm 13:1, NIV).
GOD has not left you alone. HE has not forgotten you. The very first moment you called upon HIM, HE heard you.
You are fighting against powers and principalities that have built a strong line of defense.. a barrier to hinder you from receiving the answers to your prayers. GOD is not withholding HIMSELF from you.
Ephesians 6:12.. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
The spiritual battles we face are not a figment of our imaginations, they are real. We are wrestling against unseen spiritual forces of darkness, not against flesh and blood. There are organized demonic forces , spiritual powers and rulers of darkness.. spirits of violence, confusion, greed, hate, murder, rebellion, fear, lust, perversion.. that are hovering over our cities, communities and nations. They are everywhere.. on the streets.. in our places of work.. everywhere.
THEIR OBJECTIVES: To tear down and destroy all that is holy, all that is pure, all morality, all sense of decency.
To destroy and tear down governments; pervert justice, and establish atheistic, immoral leaders.
To discredit Christian leaders, and weaken their godly influence in our cities and countries. To silence their voices.
To divide the Body of Christ.. to bring division and strife within churches.. to get the Church sidetracked from its true purpose of winning souls into The Kingdom Of God.
To destroy families.. turn husbands and wives against one another; to sow seeds of rebellion in the hearts of the teenagers; to cause feelings of rejection, mistrust, bitterness, resentment.
To destroy all Christians.. to steal their joy, to destroy their confidence in GOD, to tempt them to turn their backs on GOD and sin against HIM.
To stop you from growing up into the full stature of JESUS, to stop you from praying, to hinder GOD’S answers to your prayers, to stop you from reading and studying the WORD, to hinder you from applying the WORD to your life, to stop you from doing GOD’S Will.
These evil powers and principalities have established strongholds in our cities, communities and nations that no atomic bomb, no nuclear weapon, no carnal weapon any nation possesses can destroy.
The only power strong enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds in the nations of the earth are the prayers of GOD’S people!
Stop for a moment and think about the battles you are facing right now. Think about the strongholds satan has tried to build in your life, in your home, in your community, in your nation. You may be facing situations and problems that are causing you to be confused and afraid. You don’t know how to pray concerning them.
You may be attacked in your finances. Your debts keep pilling up and, regardless of how hard you may try, there is never enough money to go around. Your mind has been in a constant turmoil. You have been worrying about what you are going to do and where you are going to get the money you need.
You may be attacked physically and mentally. Your strength seems to be gone.. discouragement and doubt are setting in.
Or you have been seeking GOD for direction.. to hear HIS Voice.. to know HIS Will concerning important decisions you need to make.
You have done everything you know to do. You have wept. You have pleaded. You have cried out to GOD. Yet, it seems as if the heavens are brass.. that somehow your prayers are not getting through.
Like the great warrior king David, from the depths of your spirit you cry out, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your Face from me? (Psalm 13:1, NIV).
GOD has not left you alone. HE has not forgotten you. The very first moment you called upon HIM, HE heard you.
You are fighting against powers and principalities that have built a strong line of defense.. a barrier to hinder you from receiving the answers to your prayers. GOD is not withholding HIMSELF from you.
Please make it clear that this would also be the "[[Libre|libre cultural works]]" definition.
:: The libre knowledge definition is completely compatible as far as I can tell. It appears in some form on the following pages: [ Declaration on libre knowledge], [ Libre knowledge on Wikipedia] and [ Say libre]. i.e. at some key point state that free means "libre"/"free as in freedom" - perhaps as simply as writing free/libre at least once near the beginning. - [[User:KTucker|K]] 18:37, 3 March 2012 (EST)
:: I have created a parallel "libre" version - [[Libre|Libre Cultural Works Definition]] - but would prefer this not to be necessary. Discuss this issue right here or on the libre version's [[Talk:Libre|discussion page]] - Thanks - [[User:KTucker|K]] 18:39, 5 March 2012 (EST)
== Free-Libre-Open Hardware Definition ==
Hello, I'm starting a "friendly fork" of the OSHW Definition here because, currently engaged in writing a free/libre/open hardware project proposal to a set of potential clients who are not at all familiar with the whole genre of free/libre/open approaches, I feel the current OSHW Definition is not concise enough to just reproduce as an excerpt. I also feel the current OSHW Definition risks the same division between "open source" methods and "free" ethics that has complicated relations for years within the free/libre/open source software community.
Back in 2004 while preparing a presentation deck for my Director General in government, I needed to cram the OSI definition into a single screen: In the end I felt the short version I had adapted was more useful as a definition than the original, in the same sense that dictionaries also hold to very concise phrases. Over the years too, I came to see the importance of including both the methods and ethics elements into projects.
So what appears here as a "fork" to facilitate discussion is the current draft text that appears in my own free/libre/open hardware document.
''DRAFT: ''
I hope nobody is offended by this thorough change. Putting it up as a fork here just seemed to best way to discuss it without interfering with your main definition text.
Joseph Potvin
Ephesians 6:12.. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
The spiritual battles we face are not a figment of our imaginations, they are real. We are wrestling against unseen spiritual forces of darkness, not against flesh and blood. There are organized demonic forces , spiritual powers and rulers of darkness.. spirits of violence, confusion, greed, hate, murder, rebellion, fear, lust, perversion.. that are hovering over our cities, communities and nations. They are everywhere.. on the streets.. in our places of work.. everywhere.
THEIR OBJECTIVES: To tear down and destroy all that is holy, all that is pure, all morality, all sense of decency.
To destroy and tear down governments; pervert justice, and establish atheistic, immoral leaders.
To discredit Christian leaders, and weaken their godly influence in our cities and countries. To silence their voices.
To divide the Body of Christ.. to bring division and strife within churches.. to get the Church sidetracked from its true purpose of winning souls into The Kingdom Of God.
To destroy families.. turn husbands and wives against one another; to sow seeds of rebellion in the hearts of the teenagers; to cause feelings of rejection, mistrust, bitterness, resentment.
To destroy all Christians.. to steal their joy, to destroy their confidence in GOD, to tempt them to turn their backs on GOD and sin against HIM.
To stop you from growing up into the full stature of JESUS, to stop you from praying, to hinder GOD’S answers to your prayers, to stop you from reading and studying the WORD, to hinder you from applying the WORD to your life, to stop you from doing GOD’S Will.
These evil powers and principalities have established strongholds in our cities, communities and nations that no atomic bomb, no nuclear weapon, no carnal weapon any nation possesses can destroy.
The only power strong enough to penetrate these evil forces and pull down these strongholds in the nations of the earth are the prayers of GOD’S people!
Stop for a moment and think about the battles you are facing right now. Think about the strongholds satan has tried to build in your life, in your home, in your community, in your nation. You may be facing situations and problems that are causing you to be confused and afraid. You don’t know how to pray concerning them.
You may be attacked in your finances. Your debts keep pilling up and, regardless of how hard you may try, there is never enough money to go around. Your mind has been in a constant turmoil. You have been worrying about what you are going to do and where you are going to get the money you need.
You may be attacked physically and mentally. Your strength seems to be gone.. discouragement and doubt are setting in.
Or you have been seeking GOD for direction.. to hear HIS Voice.. to know HIS Will concerning important decisions you need to make.
You have done everything you know to do. You have wept. You have pleaded. You have cried out to GOD. Yet, it seems as if the heavens are brass.. that somehow your prayers are not getting through.
Like the great warrior king David, from the depths of your spirit you cry out, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will You hide Your Face from me? (Psalm 13:1, NIV).
GOD has not left you alone. HE has not forgotten you. The very first moment you called upon HIM, HE heard you.
You are fighting against powers and principalities that have built a strong line of defense.. a barrier to hinder you from receiving the answers to your prayers. GOD is not withholding HIMSELF from you.

Revision as of 14:12, 17 May 2024