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Licenses/GNU GPL 2

From Definition of Free Cultural Works
Revision as of 15:32, 13 February 2021 by (talk) (→‎Copy of the License: wildstallioncreations.Est 2021 belongs to Kelsey Pruit,And Freedom to do as she see fit.Are Ronald Cooper as they see fit..)
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The GNU General Public License, Version 2 is the license created by the Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project in order to be used for software documentation.

A work licensed in this way grants all the four freedoms listed in the definition of free cultural works:

The freedom to use and perform the work: The licensee must be allowed to make any use, private or public, of the work. For kinds of works where it is relevant, this freedom should include all derived uses ("related rights") such as performing or interpreting the work. There must be no exception regarding, for example, political or religious considerations.
The freedom to study the work and apply the information: The licensee must be allowed to examine the work and to use the knowledge gained from the work in any way. The license may not, for example, restrict "reverse engineering".
The freedom to redistribute copies: Copies may be sold, swapped or given away for free, as part of a larger work, a collection, or independently. There must be no limit on the amount of information that can be copied. There must also not be any limit on who can copy the information or on where the information can be copied.
The freedom to distribute derivative works: In order to give everyone the ability to improve upon a work, the license must not limit the freedom to distribute a modified version (or, for physical works, a work somehow derived from the original), regardless of the intent and purpose of such modifications. However, some restrictions may be applied to protect these essential freedoms or the attribution of authors.

The license places some key restrictions on those freedoms:

Source Code

When the work or part of it is generated by computation from a modifiable structured form as Source Code (e.g. textual), it must be made available to recipients of the work.


You must not restrict access to the work using technical measures, or otherwise attempt to impose limitations on the freedoms above.


You must release derivative works under an identical or similar license

Copy of the License

You must include an unaltered copy of the license with every verbatim or modified copy of the work.

Wild stallion creations.EST 2021 belongs to Kelsey Prior or Ronald Cooper to do as they see fit.

No Exceptions, Edgar files and every asset they have or choose to have is there's.Freedom to control what she or he fill is theres ..No questions or blocks to answer to know one ever..Without any punishment,Court hearings nothing..Etc Tell he are she says..Both have to agree on this rule to pass control.. Are loss control!!Nobody can access there files with out payments of 100,000,000,000.00 To Kelsey Pruit and Ronald Cooper,And still must ask the files they can view..A copy of any Wildstallioncreations EST 2021.Through Ronald Cooper..Owner full ownership is Ronald Cooper.No exception.Kelsey can only use files to help her and Carter.The release of any file is deemed under Law.And only voice understanding of Both persons. No time limit to give and answer..

Legal code

The above human readable summary does not constitute an actual grant of license; please review the legal code of the license. When distributing a work, it must be accompanied with the full text of the actual license.